In the realm where destiny weaves its threads, A tale of love, where two souls were led. At the workplace they met, Rayhan's heart aglow, But Silvi held onto a past, her heart in tow.
Yet as March unfurled its tender bloom, Silvi's past dissipated, leaving room. Rayhan, undeterred, drew close once more, With rose and chocolate, love's sweet encore.
Through April's breezes and March's rains, They ventured forth, through joys and pains. Hand in hand, they explored, side by side, Discovering strengths, where vulnerabilities hide.
On April's eve, Silvi graced Rayhan's home, In silaturahim, their bond did bloom. Then, on October's dawn, the tables turned, As Rayhan's family, Silvi's heart earned.
With earnest words, on October's eve, Rayhan's intentions, he did not leave. Serious and steadfast, his love did pledge, To journey beyond, on love's eternal edge.
November's grace witnessed their engagement's glow, A promise exchanged, a love to sow. Inshallah, they whisper, on May's gentle shore, Their love immortalized, forevermore.
10.00 WIB s.d Selesai
Lapangan Kantor RW 016 Perumahan Permata Regensi
12.30 WIB s.d 19.00 WIB
Lapangan Kantor RW 016 Perumahan Permata Regensi
10.00 WIB s.d 18.00 WIB
Jl. Raya Jati Kramat Indah II, RT.004/RW.003, Jatikramat, Kec. Jatiasih, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17421
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